Our story

“future medicine will be the medicine of frequency.”

— Albert Einstein

Our story started in 2018 when our 13-year-old son became chronically ill almost overnight. When his “flu” symptoms weren’t subsiding, we reached out to our longtime (trusted) allopathic pediatrician. For the next six months he would see various doctors, infectious disease specialists, receive a brain MRI and every known lab and scan. We would get the same response from every doctor, “his labs and scans look normal”.  Our son who was an avid athlete, excelled in school, and loved hanging out with friends turned into days at a time in bed and missing 40% of the school year from being so ill. According to all the doctors “he was fine”. Devastated by the lack of help we were receiving, we knew we needed to make a shift in our approach if we were going to find answers for him.

A family member recommended we look into bio-feedback. I was unfamiliar with the field, but open to learning more. In our first bio-feedback session indications of “Lyme Disease” were resonating in his energy patterns.  We were unfamiliar with the disease, but after researching found that his symptoms were aligning with this potential idea. We took this information to our pediatrician as something to consider looking into. His response, “Lyme disease doesn’t exist” and then contradicted himself during the same appointment by saying “Lyme disease can be disabling, but you can’t die from it so don’t worry”. Needless to say we never returned.

From that day forward we hit the ground running researching alternative healing methods that worked directly with the bodies naturally designed systems through non-invasive applications.  Becoming educated about tools, techniques, and lifestyle habits that would give us freedom from relying on modern-day “health care” and prescription drugs has been the best decision our family has EVER made.

As we began to see the profound impact bio-feedback was having on our son, I decided to leave my career in the jewelry design industry to be trained in bio-feedback. We wanted to make sure he had continual access to everything he needed moving forward in life.

Fast forward to 2024 and he will be heading off this fall to play college soccer! Through our faith, bio-feedback, creating healthy habits, and our naturopathic doctor’s guidance our son has come full circle in his healing.

Throughout this journey we have found that our story is, sadly, not uncommon in the “business” of healthcare. I want to be a part of changing that. Giving hope and alternative resources to those in need. Bio-feedback has had such a profound impact on our life and we want to share and extend its benefits with you too! Thank you for being here!

 - Jamie Cota and Family

Hi, I am Jamie Cota…

A note from Jamie…

For most, biofeedback is a “new to them” concept just as it was for me at the beginning of our journey. As a believer in Jesus, it has always been important to me that everything we do aligns with our core values and our faith. This journey being no exception. From the very beginning I have spent much time, research, and prayer over biofeedback and asking the Holy Spirit to open and close doors where needed in our journey. Not only has He continually opened doors, but my literature research and findings on biofeedback scans continually lead me back to God’s written word every time. This experience has only deepened my faith as a believer. Although healing tools are available to us through means of food, herbs, water, movement, frequency, prayer, connection, etc… my belief is that Jesus is and always will be the true healer in every scenario. All glory be to Him.

“For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord”

Jeremiah 30:17