No matter what part of your healing journey you’re on we believe that connecting back to our original design and creation is the perfect starting point.  Here are FREE tools that you can implement starting today.

“Life doesn’t get better by chance…

it gets better by change.”


Connect to nature

Grounding: Place your feet (or any 2 body parts) on a natural ground surface or water source. Example: Ocean, river, lakes, sand, dirt, grass, rooted tree, etc… The ground can shift your nervous system to the parasympathetic state using the Earth’s natural electrical charge. This can reduce stress, improve sleep, decrease inflammation, and improve circulation among other things. The more frequently you do it, the more you’ll benefit from it.

Sunlight: Receive vital hormone (“vitamin”) D absorption, decrease inflammation, boost mood,  and healing benefits by unfiltered sun exposure to your body. Gradually increase exposure, not allowing yourself to burn.

Gardening: Connecting back with the soil and the roots (real foods) that literally nourish us from the ground up. Receive the healing benefits of grounding while gardening, the pride in cultivating real & nourishing foods, and the stress release that comes with gardening.

Go Outside: Take a break and walk outside, even if it’s just for 5 minutes. Eat a meal outside, read a book outside, etc… Disconnect from artificial light sources and unnatural environments that drain us and connect with resources that fill us and promote healing.


Go on a walk: This simple, low impact movement can help release stress, improve circulation, improve drainage pathways, promote strength and mental clarity, among so many other things. Start small if needed to build healthy habits, even down the street and back! Gradually increase at your own pace.

Rebounding: Even 10 minutes a day of this gentle movement is packed with maximum benefits to opening our lymphatic system and drainage pathways. If needed, you can still receive the benefits of bouncing without your feet leaving the rebounder. Jumping in place is free!

Hiking: Receive the benefits of time in nature and movement all in one!

Stretching: This gentle movement works wonders to calm our nervous system.

Physical Exercise: Pick an exercise of choice that brings you genuine happiness, aids in stress relief, allows you to sweat (aka: detoxing through your pores), builds your strength.


Hydrate: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! The benefits of adequate daily (clean filtered) water intake are unsurpassed! Boost your memory, mood, circulation, detoxification, digestion, and more by this habit alone.

Food / Beverages: We all have to eat… when you do start the healthy habit of eating as many real foods as possible each day!

Quiet Time: Find ways that work for you to help decompress from your daily to do lists. Taking a bath, time in prayer, reading, simply taking a distraction free 10-minute break outside.

Find Your Joy: What activities, environments, and people truly bring joy and value to your life and health? Do your priorities reflect this? Setting healthy boundaries can be beneficial.


Affirmations: It’s a fact that words/emotions hold a frequency value. Release negative words and thought patterns that are depleting you and start retraining your mind to engage in positive self-talk.

Prayer: Take time in prayer for yourself and others. Give thanks, seek forgiveness in yourself and others, and pursue unconditional love for yourself, your body, and those in your life both past and present.

Gratitude: Take time daily and think of at least 3 things big or small that you are grateful for. Explore this topic by challenging yourself to think of different things each day.


Declutter: This can include your living space, your routines, your calendar and more. Make room for the things and people that truly hold value, are necessities in your life and graciously let go of the things that are not.


Prioritize Your Peace:  This may look like turning off the news, taking a social media break, re-evaluating who you choose to follow on social media, who you choose to spend your time with. If it doesn’t bring you peace, boost your energy, or generate positivity into your life, chances are this is a good starting place.

Disconnect: Turning off your wifi routers and limiting your emf exposure can improve mental clarity, energy, improve sleep, and improve your immune system.

Hobbies: Unplug from to-do lists and allow yourself time to do things that fill you up… reading, baking, art, board games, etc.


Relationships: Prioritize different ways to connect with friends and family that boost your mood, energy, and overall wellbeing.  This could include walks, phone calls, a shared meal, drop a card in the mail, game nights… challenge yourself to think of as many ways as possible.

Animals: Spending time with animals creates a proven stress reduction on our nervous system. If you don’t have animals of your own visit a shelter, offer to pet sit, or schedule a time to take a busy friend’s dog on a walk.

Community: If you are looking to expand your social circle or challenge yourself to learn something new, look to your community. This could include church, local recreational events, volunteer projects, and more.

Giving: Find items that no longer serve a purpose, are not a necessity, or boost your joy. Those items could very well be the blessing that someone else has been waiting for.


Investment Tools